Spiritual Package


The Spiritual Package helps you to improve your spirituality. We are all a spiritual being, here on earth to grow spiritually. Light and Love is the main purpose of spirituality, that’s why I offer the Basic Package and, even more important, the Higher Self Package. But there are things that can hamper spirituality or make it difficult. Blockades that can slow down your growth towards Light and Love considerably.

Therefore the Spiritual Package is available. 5 attunements that can remove blockades and negative energies in different areas and different ways. The Spiritual Package consists of these 5 attunements: Grounding, Compassion, Let In and Let Go, Forgiveness and Violet Ray. Every one of them important spiritual tools to facilitate and accelerate your spiritual growth.


Supporting our spirituality with the Spiritual Package

The Spiritual Package consists of 5 attunements that supports different sides of our spirituality. Grounding, Compassion, Let In and Let Go, Forgiveness and Violet Ray. Spirituality and spiritual growth is what we are here for on earth. Although it certainly does not look like it, when we observe this world of money and power. However, many people begin to feel and understand that they are not an economic being, but a spiritual being. And that, as a spiritual being, we need attention and support to let ourselves thrive.

Everyone has their own difficult circumstances and challenging pitfalls in their lives. Which can make the reason we as souls have this physical experience difficult and frustrating. Then it can be nice to have exactly those tools (the 5 attunements of the Spiritual Package) that come to your aid. So that nothing stands in the way of our soul growth anymore.

The 5 attunements of this package

Here is a brief description of the 5 attunements of the Spiritual Package.

Grounding: keeping both feet on the ground

When you are well-grounded, you are well-connected to your body and to Mother Earth. You are then the connection between heaven and earth, necessary for spirituality. Grounding or Earthing means you keep centered and steady, and feel good about your body. Grounding is a prerequisite for spiritual growth. Read more here.

Compassion: being connected through kind-heartedness

People with compassion are friendly and gentle people. Trying to be there for others who can use their help. This attunement makes you feel the pain and grief of others. Understanding the problems they have. Compassion provides a connection between people, which is able to solve many problems. Read more here.

Let In and Let Go: releasing the unwanted, inviting the desired

Life is change, and going with the flow of life is a good spiritual habit. Letting Go helps you to release all which doesn’t serve your Highest Good. Such as negative energies, blockades, problems or unpleasant conditions. Letting In helps to attract that which does serve your Highest Good. Such as love, power and better conditions. Let In and Let Go: 2 wonderful spiritual tools in one attunement. Read more here.

Forgiveness: coping lovingly with negativity from the ego

Forgiveness chooses love where the ego chooses for shame, blame and punishment. Who forgives can leave something there where it belongs: when it happened. And does no longer confuse act and offender. It offers the other (or yourself) who said or did something unlovingly, the space to choose something better. Forgiveness is indispensable for spiritual growth. Read more here.

Violet Ray: spiritual tool for purification and transformation

The Violet Ray is the ideal tool for spiritual development. Also known under the names of Violet Flame and Violet Fire. It is one of the Universal Rays or Divine Rays. This ray is very purifying and transformative. And very important to transform karma, to purify your energy, and for our ascension process. Read more here.

Help for your spiritual growth

With the Spiritual Package you have 5 attunements that can create beneficial spiritual conditions. So your spiritual development, growing towards Light and Love, experiences as few problems as possible. It’s a package with which you can eliminate many bumps and pitfalls. And that can remove the blockades that can trouble our spirituality. This nice package can be a valuable help for your soul growth.

The Spiritual Package contains 5 attunements that are chosen with care. Each of these 5 attunements can improve a different aspect of your life. Those aspects that can prevent or reduce your soul growth. Or choose this package if you spiritually get frustrated quickly. Because you think soul growth is too challenging for you. The Spiritual Package can in this case be a good help and extra motivation for you.

Package Information

PackageSpiritual Package
Number5 attunements
AttunementsGrounding, Compassion, Let In and Let Go, ForgivenessViolet Ray
Single Price145 Euro
Package Price116 Euro