Source of Happiness


Source of Happiness is an attunement that produces wonderful feelings about yourself and the world around you. Happiness is accessible to anyone who is willing to let it in. It is a wonderful energy to every person who is dissatisfied with his life, or feels uncomfortable or unhappy.

Are you not happy with yourself, your work, your relationship or other things? Is the situation you are in not exactly what you had hoped for? Are things not going the way you would like? Don’t let it depend on what is going on around you. Choose for happiness, and let Source of Happiness help you. Then feelings of true happiness can again flow full into your life.


Source of Happiness, the delightful feelings of bliss

The attunement Source of Happiness not only sounds like something delightful, it absolutely is a delight. This is a real Source Attunement: pure and unbridled happiness that will fill you completely from top to bottom. To give you that great feeling about yourself. Letting you know that you are fine as you are, that your presence is appreciated. And that you are fully allowed to take your place in this world.

If you are happy, then you feel life as it really is. Not clouded by illusions, not having to experience a variety of difficulties and woes. Happiness is the stream bed in which life effortless and sparkling will flow forth. Life as life is meant for every Divine Being. We should all see bliss as a birth present. And Source of Happiness helps you to integrate this into your life.

The quest with the disappointing results

We live in a world of illusions. We are brought up with images which keep telling us what we all should do. Promising us we can then have something we so passionately desire. Having this will then make us happy. Well considered this is the hunt for happiness. We keep chasing after it. And just when we think we have stepped on its tail, it seems to have disappeared into thin air again. Happiness is all too often sought in the outside world. It is the great quest of many people. But in the outside world you cannot find true happiness.

Happiness caused by the outside world does not give you that deep and pure happiness you are looking for. Moreover, it is always ephemeral and inconstant, and then leads to disappointment. It can even bring addictions as its replacement. Happiness cannot be forced, because the outside world cannot be controlled. Better is to connect with Source, where true happiness always flows. And that is what Source of Happiness is doing.

A matter of doing or a matter of being?

The most important thing is understanding that happiness and being happy is not a question of doing, but a question of being. So don’t try to do a lot of things in the hope this will make you happy. After all we do not speak about doing happy, but being happy. Being is mainly a question of choosing and then letting it happen. And for that Source of Happiness is a wonderful help. It makes it so much easier to be happy, to experience bliss, delight, exhilaration …

Happiness is first and foremost a choice, a granted desire. But happiness does require some positive conditions. Like conviction, desire, surrender and love for the happiness energy. But it is above all the will and choice that must be present inside you. Much better than the quest for happiness is to choose happiness. Source of Happiness makes this easy for you.

Source of Happiness, the helping hand for delightful feelings

Feelings of Happiness can be caused by friendship, by having common interests, by recognizing yourself in the other. By overcoming difficulties, falling in love, sharing and being together. By having the freedom from yourself to just be as you are, by always making love choices … And by choosing happiness you allow to let this delightful energy to flow through you. A feeling that arises from within when you are connected with your Self.

Source of Happiness will help you to start this energy of bliss really easy. All you yourself have to do, is trying to keep out the outside world with all its negativity and illusions. Then all the happiness, all the delight that you deserve, will flow unblocked. And you’re the master of your life. Source of Happiness, a small investment with a grand result.