Mother Mary


Light Master Mother Mary is widely loved and very important for many women. She has played in her last incarnation an important role: preparing the great Light Master Jesus/Sananda for his role as a Messiah. That’s why she is known as Mother Mary. Her motherly love and maternal care is there for everyone who asks for her help. Someone who will always offer you her warm embrace.

Mother Mary feels very soft and protective. As when you are being taken in the arms of someone who is all there for you. Who takes care of you, caresses and kisses you like a mother. And helps you growing up until you are totally independent. Mother Mary is a spiritual best friend who is always there for you.


Mother Mary, beloved mother and woman

Light Master Mother Mary is very loved all over the world. Not in the least for women for whom she may well be a person of trust. Someone who is very approachable and friendly. Known as the protector of women and children. She has many similarities with the female Light Master Kuan Yin, the oriental Mother Mary.

In other countries like in the Middle East her name is often written as Miriam, Myriam or Maryam. In addition, she is identified by many other, sometimes impressive designations. Like: Madonna, Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels, Queen of Heaven, Star of the Sea or Stella Maris, Lady Mary and World Mother. The energy of Mother Mary is as impressive as the beautiful names by which she is adorned.

The important role as mother of Light Master Jesus

Ascended Master Mother Mary was in her last incarnation at the same time someone very special, but also a person staying in the background. A remarkable feature of her is that she ascended before her last presence on earth. So Mother Mary returned as a Light Master in a physical body for a very special mission: being the mother of another great master, Jesus/Sananda. In order to break through the religious rigidity and to bring back spirituality on earth.

In this latest incarnation she was born in Nazareth, like her father Joachim. Her mother Anna came from Bethlehem. She was married with Saint Joseph (Saint Germain). Some of her earlier incarnations were: Priestess in the Temple of Truth in Atlantis, Isis the Egyptian mother goddess, and the mother of king David.

The warm embrace for children, women and the female energy

Among women, there was a great need for a trustworthy woman. As a result of the centuries of oppression of women and the feminine energy. Someone who made women feel understood, safe and supported. That alone is of course Mother Mary by her special mother role, as mother of Jesus. As a Ascended Master and mother of Jesus, with her virginity and immaculate conception probably her great spiritual purity was meant. As a result, she was very suitable as a mother to raise and assist Light Master Jesus.

However, her motherly love and maternal care is not limited to her son alone. As a female Light Master, all women, with or without children, large and small, receive her warm embrace. Children will never in vain appeal to her great love too. She will also help balance the much to long suppressed female energy in men.

Mother Mary, a spiritual best friend

Ascended Master Mother Mary is a best friend, someone who will help and assist if you are struggling. As a girl, as a woman and as a mother. She understands the cares and problems of women and helps you to be yourself. As the mother she will also help you when you have problems in this area: sexuality and fertility, pregnancy and birth, and in caring for children.

Particularly recommended for women who are about to become mothers or already have children, and could use her loving help. She will assist every mother and increase their motherly love and maternal qualities. In addition, this wonderful Ascended Master also gently encourages your spiritual development. See her as a spiritual friend of exceptional beauty. One of her powers is that you can learn from her to live in beauty.

Mother Mary and the glory of the female love

The energy of Mother Mary is very gentle and loving. It can be very well compared with a mother holding her newborn child in her arms while her heart is overflowing with love. She combines love with sympathy and compassion. And she has other female qualities like motherly kindness and gentleness, and receptivity and modesty. The attunement Mother Mary is a great gift, that grants us female love in all its glory. That softens us on many fronts. The softness that is relying on your Inner Strength. This softness makes you open and receptive to wonderful gifts as Love, Beauty, Compassion and Creativity.

Mother Mary promotes Love, Motherly Love, Softness, Compassion, Wisdom, Patience, Protection, Female Beauty, Female Creativity, Female Glory, Receptivity, Modesty. Let the deep and modest feminine power of the Queen of Heaven pleasantly surprise you!