
Love Choices

Original price was: €29.00.Current price is: €19.00.

Love Choices is a great attunement when you find choosing difficult. If you are not sure what choices you have, or just get lost in the many possibilities. It is a fine help with your choices and decisions. For example, when you often doubt when choosing, make bad choices, or don’t take advantage of good opportunities. Knowing that Love always makes the right choice.

Much can depend on your choices. Is the partner you choose really the person of your love dreams? Did you miss the opportunity of a dream job by a wrong choice? Life asks you many questions and we don’t always have the best answers. Love Choices does, because love always attracts love, and always connects you to the best opportunity.

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Love Choices: decisions that serve your Highest Good

The attunement Love Choices can have a very positive influence on your life. It can help you with many small and large choices with which you have to deal regularly. From the choice what you will wear today and what to eat tonight. To the choice what you like to do in life and with whom you shall share it.

Every day you make many choices. It is important to choose with awareness and love. Your choices and decisions show who you are. Choices create results and every choice is a decision about who you like to be. Love Choices help you to get the experiences that serve you and that you find pleasant. Because choosing with love means choosing your Highest Good, and for the best possible outcome for everyone.

Those who do not choose, have to take pot luck

Life is full of possibilities and choices are the different paths to go down. Often we are not fully aware of that. When we don’t live very consciously we tend to think that life happens to us. That we do not have control over our life. That is both very easy and very careless. With doing this you are making yourself powerless and invite others to abuse of power. Because if you can’t do anything about it, others can do something about it.

So then you are at their mercy. Then others make choices an decisions that certainly won’t serve your Highest Good, but their ego. Would you rather not be a puppet on a string of people and circumstances, but rather the director of your own life? Then take your responsibility, embrace your freedom, see the choices that you have and use them.

With Love Choices influencing your experiences positively

A lot of choices we make are actually other people’s choices. Those of authorities, educators, the moral of society, the ego. Causing unpleasant experiences. Becoming aware of our own choices and decisions is important. Because those we can adapt to our wishes, not the choices of others. They only give frustrations, the feeling that your freedom is restricted and your happiness reduced.

Therefore, try to make every choice your choice, resulting from your love. As long as you choose and live consciously, you are the creator of your life. Creation in the first place happens by what you say, think and do.  See the Creation Attunements: Healing Thoughts, Healing Words and Healing Actions. But choices influence your thoughts, words and actions. They often precede or follow them. Loves Choices give your experiences your touch. Giving you more pleasure, satisfaction and gratification.

Choosing who you are and who you like to be

With every choice it is important to know: is this me, do I like to be this way? A wonderful way is to give Love a casting vote in your choices and decisions. Choose from love, choose for love. Especially when in doubt. Because Love Choices bring forth what you deep inside really want. They result from your truth and make life easier and less complicated. Avoiding all kinds of conflicts, hassle and trouble.

Love Choices can help you to better find your way in life. From the many options, to choose precisely that path that makes your soul fly. Whatever you choose, let it be your choice, coming from your love. And do not condemn it if it doesn’t work right away as you would like. After all, then you would condemn your creative abilities. Just be creative again and customize your creation with love. Love Choices  will help you with that.

Love Choices, shaping your life with love

Love Choices is a wonderful attunement for anyone who likes to choose consciously and live consciously. Your choices show who you are. Love Choices prevent all kinds of conflicts, drama and other misery. Use it in case of doubt and uncertainty. When you do not know what to do or in an inner conflict. But even if you are impulsively inclined to make the wrong choices. Or if you know from experience that your choices can make others or yourself unhappy. When you just want your life to be better.

It can be wonderful to know that love always chooses well, and that you can surrender to love with a light heart. With Love Choices you choose for pleasure, lightness, satisfaction. For nice experiences and a nicer world. Choose Love, it pays off!