
Kuan Yin

Original price was: €29.00.Current price is: €19.00.

Light Master Kuan Yin is worshiped throughout the Far East. You could call her the Oriental Mother Mary. Because she is just as Mother Mary a mother figure, girlfriend, protector and guide for women. With her comforting energy, she can be a guide on your spiritual path. And she will help you to follow the Divine Will.

Kuan Yin (or Quan Yin) has a soft and loving energy, making many people feel at home. She as an aura of love, softness and kindness. This Light Master has more beautiful female characteristics. Such as grace, beauty, loveliness, acceptance and compassion. Would you like your female energy to have a more prominent role, or a listening ear from this female Buddha? Then Kuan Yin is a real help for you.

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The by many appreciated and adored Light Master Kuan Yin

Light Master Kuan Yin is of great significance throughout the Far East. Kuan Yin is loved throughout Southeast Asia and is often called the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy, or Grace. Her symbol is the lotus flower. She is also becoming increasingly popular in the West. This female Light Master is similar to Mother Mary’s role in Christianity. She is also compared to other remarkable and admired women like Isis, Shakti, Radha and Sita. Although she originated from Buddhism (see also Light Master Buddha), she is of great spiritual significance beyond Buddhism. In the Far East you will find a picture or statue of her in many houses.

Light Master Kuan Yin has a soft and loving energy in which many people will feel at home. She radiates love and friendliness, and in that respect she is also very similar to Mother Mary.

The bodhisattva Avalokitesvara

The name Kuan Yin is written in various ways. Like: Quan Yin, Kwan Yin, Guan Yin, Quan Am, Kanin, Kannon and Kwannon. Her name means: She who listens to the sounds of the world. These sounds can also mean prayers or help requests. Because she listens to the needs and prayers of the people on earth, the demands for help, advice and consolation. She is considered to be a bodhisattva, a person who has reached enlightenment. But doesn’t travel to the higher echelons of existence until the last person on earth also has made this quantum leap in spiritual development.

Light Master Kuan Yin often is called the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva that bears the compassion of all Buddhas in herself. From her is the mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum. The mantra that can help us to live a pure life.

Kuan Yin, protector and guardian of women and children

It is not for nothing that Ascended Master Kuan Yin is closed in the heart by women throughout the world. She is the protector of women and children. She helps women in many ways. For example, women who have difficulty getting pregnant. You can also ask her for help during pregnancy and childbirth. She can help you as a woman to find strength in your female energy. She promotes beautiful female qualities such as grace and beauty. Who can give you a finer feeling about yourself.

Kuan Yin’s energy is of great softness. The softness of the feminine. As Buddha of Compassion, she learns that the softness of compassion is a loving power that brings healing. The feminine energy that loves to relieve suffering. That prefers to heal wounds rather than to make new wounds.

Acceptance of Al That Is and the Divine Will

For Light Master Kuan Yin acceptance of All That Is, is very important. Acceptance of how things occur helps you not to obstruct the Divine Will. So that you without judgements, can let happen what likes to appear on your path. This allows you to avoid resistance and release the need for control. The softness and friendliness of this female Ascended Master helps with that too.

What may seem to be problems at first, which we rather don’t have, later all too often turns out to be an opportunity for spiritual growth. The Divine Will knows what we cannot see. It helps if we can see problems as challenges, new opportunities, changes for the better. Which we then can accept as a gift. Light Master Kuan Yin will help you open your heart for All That Is.

Kuan Yin, Light Master of beauty and grace

Light Master Kuan Yin is not only a mother figure, girlfriend, protector and guide for women. She can also help men to accept and embrace their feminine side. To bring some more softness and friendliness into this world. This Light Master of beauty and grace invites women and men (and their energy) to dance. The dance that helps bring the female and male energy in both back into balance. So that they treat each other with love, respect and understanding. And who invites the coldness of this hard world with kindness and grace to Oneness.

Kuan Yin stimulates: Love, Softness, Friendliness, Loveliness, Compassion, Acceptance, Balance, Letting Go, Divine Will, Female Grace, Female Beauty, Female Qualities. Light Master Kuan Yin, a versatile beauty and valuable guide for many.