
Inner Child Healing

Original price was: €29.00.Current price is: €19.00.

Inner Child Healing is an attunement that reconnects you properly with your own energy of zest for life and enthusiasm. And of joy and creativity. The energy that is so characteristic of children who are confident and enjoy life to the fullest. And from which you can draw energy and joy again as an adult.

Not everyone can look back on a carefree childhood, full of sunny days and joyful experiences. Many people have experienced things in some form that still cast a shadow on their present life. Was your youth not the time of your life?  Do you feel you have problems that arose during your childhood years? Then Inner Child Healing might be a good attunement for you.

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With Inner Child Healing changing negativity from your youth

The attunement Inner Child Healing is intended to heal the energy of the child you have in you. Just as the effects it has on your present life. To be able to connect with love and enthusiasm with the life energy of the child you once were. This helps you become aware of negative feelings and behaviors that originate from your childhood. To transform them back into a desired form.

Because often there are many forms of undesirable behavior and outdated feelings that we unconsciously keep repeating, again and again. Undesirable things that can make you tired and frustrated. Because it happens to us and we do not seem to get any grip on it. With Inner Child Healing you have the possibility to overcome this negative pattern.

The energy of the Inner Child

The Inner Child is the energy that has formed itself in your youth. It’s a young and cheerful energy, that will always be present in you. Keywords of the Inner Child are: joy, playing, being spontaneous, enthusiasm, imagination, vitality, love for freedom, discovering, zest for life, youthful freshness. Think of all the things you see a child do when it is happy. Like having fun playing, being curious about the surrounding world, loving to discover things, enjoying life. And giving love to what it interacts with, being creative, doing silly things, being high-spirited.

The Inner Child needs to be loved and cherished for what it is. Because being a child is something that should speak for itself. It needs being given the space to discover the world and itself. Inner Child Healing helps you to rediscover all these positive things. And heal the pain from your childhood.

A happy childhood or not the time of your life?

Unfortunately, in our world a happy youth is not all that obvious. Not everyone has had a truly happy and carefree childhood. For you it may not have been the time of your life either. And does that have an undesirable effect on your present life.

For many people in their early years there may arise some degree of pain and hurt, frustration, feelings of rejection and feeling unloved. And the result is an attitude that comes with a hurt Inner Child. I’d rather be careful and watch out for what will happen, spontaneity will be punished, only do crazy things when nobody is around. Or new ideas will be disapproved, joy and enthusiasm will be suppressed, love won’t be answered. It is this attitude, this hurt Inner Child, that likes to be healed. And exactly for that Inner Child Healing is intended.

The wounded child of the past and the difficulties of today

There are many difficulties in your present life that may indicate a hurt inner child. Like things that are primarily directed at yourself. Not knowing who you are, not granting yourself much, disliking yourself, being unhappy with yourself. Undesirable behavior, repetitive patterns, making the same mistakes over and over again, taking life to serious, lacking spontaneity. Aversion to your body, aversion to sexuality, experiencing sex as unjoyful, too little playfulness.

But also issues that are more related to the outside world. Difficulties with responsibility, being withdrawn and expectant, not standing up for yourself, problems finding your way in life. Having difficulties developing yourself, being unimaginative, having an aversion to anything new or different (dangerous). Wanting to be in control of everything, being vulnerable, being self-independent and insecure, having a general feeling of insecurity. Al these problems ask for Inner Child Healing, to ensure that these undesirable things become a thing of the past.

Inner Child Healing, because a healed youth brings a better future

The Inner Child needs protection and recognition. Then it feels: I am allowed to play, I am allowed to express myself, I am allowed to be as I am. And I am allowed to give and receive love, without conditions and restrictions. Then I can leave the pains and problems of my childhood behind me forever.

Use the attunement Inner Child Healing to make aware all these unwanted patterns, frustrations and inabilities, and to heal them. By connecting to the original, vibrant and wonderful energy of the Inner Child again. See the pain in yourself that has emerged as a child, and let Inner Child Healing soften and heal it. Give yourself the warmth, nurturance, security and love back, where every child is entitled to. Grant yourself with Inner Child Healing a better and more joyful future. And whatever age you have, deep inside we are all children. And we all want to play. Because playing is living, and playing helps you living a fulfilling life.