HSP Package


The HSP Package is made for people who are highly sensitive or oversensitive. As a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) you have a very open aura. And that makes you very accessible to negative energies of other people. Like fear, hate, pain, fatigue. This package reduces and neutralizes many high sensitivity symptoms.

This HSP Package consists of 5 attunements that are all effective in the field of high sensitivity. With attunements to cleanse and harmonize your aura, and calm your nervous system. For your inner peace. To reduce emotions and other energies that came from others. And as a help to counteract fatigue and overstimulation. The HSP Package can be a blessing when you are highly sensitive. And get easily stressed by the negative energies of other people.


For people who are highly sensitive: the HSP Package

The HSP Package is a fine help for people who are highly sensitive. HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person. High sensitivity occurs in about 20% of the people. Trend: rising. Because ever more children are born with it. High sensitivity anticipates on the developments of the Age of Aquarius. A world of fair sharing of power, money and opportunities. A peaceful world where people aren’t a threat to one another. So we will be much more open.

HSPs have a very open aura that easily lets in energies of people and other living beings. But also of rooms and places. This can be a blessing because it makes you more open and receptive, giving you an aura of love, empathy and Oneness. On the other hand you easily absorb negative energies in your aura. Resulting in over-stimulation, fatigue and stress. Then the HSP Package can be a blessing.

The attunements of this package

The HSP Package consists of 5 attunements. Here they are briefly explained.

Aura Harmony: The most important attunement of this package. The more harmony there is in your aura, the less disharmony will arise caused by energies of other people. Or rooms or places. You then resonate less with negative energies. Moreover, this attunement feels very good and relaxing. And can be very beneficial. Read more here.

Nervous System Harmony: Due to the sensitive nature of HSPs you may very quickly become over-stimulated. The HSPs nervous system often is in overdrive. And you can be oversensitive to many things. Like light, sounds, pain, odors, chemicals, toxins, air pollution, food additives and genetically modified food. Nervous System Harmony can soothe your nervous system and bring you physical relaxation. And may prevent or diminish many temporary or chronic complaints. Read more here.

Source of Peace: Overstimulation can also occur on the mental plane. Because of all the stimuli that you have to cope with and where you are oversensitive to. This mental stress can cause a returning or chronic tiredness and discontent. Source of Peace is a soft and pleasant energy. And can take away a lot of irritation and discontent and bring you inner peace. Read more here.

Energetic Harmony: Energetic Harmony is a jack-of-all for every energetic disturbance. And because of that a good addition to Aura Harmony. Very suitable for highly sensitive people, who often find that they energetically don’t resonate well with others. And that their energy gets negatively altered. HSPs may feel overwhelmed by their surroundings. And then it helps when you energetically can come back to yourself quickly. Read more here.

Emotional Harmony: As a HSPs you may be especially sensitive to emotions. You may take over the emotions from people close to you, from family members to strangers or other sources. Like when you are near a lot of people: school, work, shopping center, nightlife … Emotional Harmony may then be very valuable. Because emotions from others can be very stressful. Read more here.

The HSP Package and the symptoms of sensitive people

A HSP is often intuitive and creative, likes harmony, honesty and justice. Feels quick someone’s energy, and notices other subtle energetic information. But high sensitivity not only offers valuable possibilities. High sensitivity can also cause quite a few problems and inconveniences. Such as temporarily taking over complaints and illnesses from other people.

Although some symptoms may be individual, Highly Sensitive Persons usually have many signs and symptoms in common. The HSP Package (I am a HSP too) is therefore composed to help reduce the most common and normally most stressful complaints. Do you have any questions about your symptoms or this HSP Package, you’re welcome to contact me. Also when you like to know which attunement is best suited for your complaints.

Package Information

Package HSP Package
Number 5 attunements
Attunements Aura Harmony, Nervous System Harmony, Source of Peace, Energetic Harmony, Emotional Harmony
Single Price 145 Euro
Package Price 116 Euro