Heart and Soul, tool for Heart Communication and Inner Guidance
The attunement Heart and Soul is a spiritual tool that helps you being attuned to your soul. Archangel Michael encourages us to always be Heart-centered and Soul-focused. Heart and Soul is the short name for that. It means being centered and listening to what your soul has to tell you.
We so often forget that we have a body but are a soul. That our body is merely a temporary vehicle. And that all our knowledge and wisdom is already present in our soul. But to make use of it, it is necessary to be centered in our heart and focused on our soul. Heart and Soul is the spiritual communication tool that gives you in many ways Inner Guidance.
Being at home you heart, living from your heart
The heart sends oxygen and nutrients through the blood to all parts of our body. And at the same time cleanses it of waste products. But it isn’t only important to take care of our body. Our heart is of much greater significance. It is there where you are in your center, in harmony and balance. There where your love is always present. Moreover, it is the place in your body where you are and feel at home.
Your belly represents wanting, your head represents thinking. Both are sensitive to ego. But your ego can’t reside in the center of your body, your heart. There you are free of ego. After all, in your heart there is no separation. That’s why presence in your heart / heart chakra is so important. To stay away from illusions and judgment, drama and conflict, discontent and unhappiness.
Your feelings, your truth
Your heart is your center of feelings, it manages your wisdom and truth. Feelings are the language of the soul. They are spoken in your heart by your soul: your Higher Self and I AM Presence. But also Light Masters, (guardian) angels, guides and other light beings, with the permission of your soul, can communicate with you here. Every Divine Communication physically takes place in your heart. Whether they are intuitions or inspirations, presentiments or spiritual encouragements.
Words can be interpreted very differently. Feelings however are the purest form of communication. You know immediately if something feels good or bad. Feelings are the most important form of Inner Guidance, totally attuned to you. Your feelings let you know what works for you. What in your case would be good to do or leave. They help you to find your path of life and to keep walking it.
Listen to your heart, cooperate with your soul
Heart and Soul is the tool to be connected with your inner world. This can give you information your thinking would never be able to come up with. All knowledge is already present in you. To help you dealing better with people and situations. For all that comes from the outer world counts: listen to what your heart has to say about that. You can every time ask your heart: is this good for me? You will immediately feel the answer.
Do you understand how important your heart is? Then offer it your attention by listening to it. Than it will reward you with valuable information. On the way to your spiritual mastery, feeling the truth in your heart is an important step. As well as beginning to communicate with your Self or Soul. Heart Communication can help you a lot in your daily life. Also in the communication with other people.
Living with Heart and Soul, living without problems
All problems we see in this world, is a result of listening to our ego. Doing the will of our ego inevitably brings emotions and thoughts that cause separation. The ego is all about being right and being better. Negativity in thought, word and action. The soul is all about being equal and doing well. Positive energies like harmony, kindness and oneness.
We can diminish all these problems by being in our heart as often as possible. Feel with your heart, then you will feel your soul, your truth, the one who you are. Communicate with your soul, that makes it easier to do what you came here for. Living with Heart and Soul, feels so much better. Heart and Soul: spiritual communication and Inner Guidance as daily help on your spiritual path.
Recommended! You can also buy this attunement in the Higher Self Package.