Archangel Haniel, for living your life gloriously
The glorious qualities of Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel is often perceived as a female archangel. Not only because her energy feels very feminine. But also because many of her Divine Qualities have such a beneficial effect on women. On the feminine energy of women, as well as the feminine energy of men. Because AA Haniel embodies the Divine Feminine. Those aspects in our energy that have a distinctly feminine nature. And which are so important for becoming more prominent in the Fifth Dimension. So the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine become equal again and are able to harmoniously delight in each other’s love.
The name of Archangel Haniel means Glory of God. And you surely can call her a glorious archangel. Because in her soft and loving manner she gives you a glorious feeling. Also her Divine Qualities can do a great deal for you. The energy of AA Haniel is glorious, lovingly, balancing, encouraging and serene. And with her glorious appearance she fits very well with the 4 best known archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.
The healing of traumas and the pain in our heart
Some of the Divine Qualities of Archangel Haniel that come to the foreground are the healing of traumas and what your heart unsettles and pains. But also harmonizing relationships and experience them in a peaceful and loving way. This applies to family relationships as well as intimate relationships. In romantic love Haniel will help you to radiate more harmony and love. She also helps you bring your hidden talents to the light. And as archangel of intuition she can make you more intuitive and strengthen your Inner Knowledge.
Archangel Haniel is often associated with Venus and the Moon. She is sometimes depicted in blue or turquoise. And sometimes in white, the color of the full moon. And as archangel of love she can be seen with a pink rose, like Lady Nada. Her energy fits well with people who long for tranquility and peace. People that are quickly stressed. And also highly sensitive people will experience her peaceful and serene energy as very pleasant.
Archangel Haniel: experience your sexuality more lovingly
Especially for women this remarkable archangel can be a friend and supporter. As said, Archangel Haniel embodies the Divine Feminine. That she can help to strengthen in you. Many of her qualities are highly valued by women. Like her help with the female romantic love. She is also known as the archangel of sexuality, especially in women. Allowing you to enjoy intimate companionship more wonderful and lovingly. One could say that Archangel Haniel lets the glory of the Feminine Energy flow more powerful. In women and men. So the feminine aspect can blossom in full glory.
Archangel Haniel shows you how to increasingly reach your highest potential. And as Glory of God she is the designated archangel to show you how to live your life gloriously. The attunement Archangel Haniel can be a fine help when you like to experience more of your glory. And to share it with the world.