The Archangel Attunements: inviting the love of the archangels

The Archangel Attunements: embracing Divine Qualities

Great for your spiritual development: the Archangel Attunements

The Archangel Attunements resemble the Light Master Attunements. Both are about highly developed beings with whose help we can greatly accelerate our spiritual development. The Archangel Attunements give you the possibility to experience the high energies and Divine Qualities that every archangel represents. With the Archangel Attunements you can choose from the four best known archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. But there will follow some other Archangel Attunements too.

Archangels are heavenly creatures with exceptional abilities, which cannot be claimed by any religion or culture. They are universal and available to anyone who wants to make use of their special abilities. And they always do so with great love. The Archangel Attunements are a fine possibility to come in contact with the archangels. And letting you be engulfed by their wonderful energies. So that you can enjoy their miraculous powers and loving helpfulness.

The appearance of archangels

By their meaning angels and archangels are messengers of God or The Source. they are often depicted with wings because of their traveling between the Divine World and the earth plane. In fact the wings symbolize their function as a messenger between heaven and earth.

But angels and archangels are divine beings who are only energy. So they don’t have a (winged) body. However, if they wish to appear to you, they will do so in a way that most closely corresponds to how you envision an archangel. So that you won’t be frightened by them. Therefore they will present themselves with a body, decorated with wings, if that fits your idea of an archangel.

However, they may also appear as an invisible energy. As a love energy that you can feel close to you. Or as a cloud with the color or scent of your liking… So their appearance can differ. It seems it’s just as important to me, how their energy feels and how wonderful you can communicate with an archangel.

Protecting the creation

Archangels are, just as angels, part of creation. Their function is to protect creation and its evolution, ours inclusive, in the best possible way. Where angels have a very specific and often limited function, archangels cover a much broader scope of operations. They also supervise many angels, that help them carry out their broad mission.

The goal of angels and archangels is to enlighten to us the essence and desires of the Source. And in this way to help us fulfill our life mission as good as possible. Including our spiritual evolution. So the Divine World sends them to support us. And we can and may gratefully make use of that. The Archangel Attunements can therefore be a fine help. Making the connection and communication with these beloved heavenly beings easier.

The Archangel Attunements and how they can help you

One could say that archangels represent certain Divine Qualities. For instance with Archangel Michael that’s Power and Protection, and with Archangel Gabriel Communication and Purity. These Divine Qualities, which every archangel is gifted with, makes them so interesting to us. Because we may through an archangel enjoy these Divine Qualities. And experience and ground them more.

Off course an archangel, given our free will, may not help us without our consent. But with the Archangel Attunements that is all fine. Then you automatically let them know you fully welcome their Divine Help.

And are you curious about their sex? Archangels can best be considered as androgyn: masculine and feminine at the same time. However, the energy of an archangel can be experienced as more masculine or more feminine. For instance Archangel Haniel for most people feels more feminine, while many would describe Archangel Michael as a rather masculine energy.

Which of The Archangel Attunements can I choose best?

Archangels are much loved in many cultures. And most people feel comfortable in their presence. It can be that you know exactly which of these Wondrous Beings you prefer. However, you may be considering one or more of the Archangel Attunements, but don’t know which ones. Then what would be good to consider when making your choice?

Considerations when choosing an archangel

  • Which archangel attracts you the most
  • With which archangel you feel the most comfortable
  • Does the archangel fit you emotionally
  • Is there an archangel with which you feel immediately light and loving
  • Does the archangel represent the Divine Qualities you are looking for

There are many more reasons why you would like to receive the help of an archangel. And you can very well choose more than one archangel. Archangels have so much to offer us that you would actually want to hold each one of them in your arms. (Just like they like to hold us in their arms or wings.) The Archangel Attunements probably offer one or more good choices for you too. Personally I can honestly say: the Archangel Attunements… a Divine Treat. 

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Uriel

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